Floating Ecosystems Bring New Life to Amsterdam City Council Offices
September 23, 2020
A series of three Floating Islands bring new life and habitat to a canal at the Amsterdam Noord City Council offices. The Ecosystems were installed by the council support team working with Biomatrix and Havenhout.nl. The design reflects the contemporary architecture of the building and is situated directly outside of the staff cantine windows, a daily reminder of the importance of nature for council workers.
Floating Ecosystems installed in June and beginning to flourish in September
The project is planted with native aquatic plants such as Carex, Scirpus and Juncus, as well as flowering species such as Filipendula ulmaria and Lythrum salicaria. The plants attract wildlife and pollinators. The roots of the plants provide surface area for microorganisms to flourish and help to improve water quality.